How NOT to Network and Lose Ad Dollars
You see, sometimes when you are working with an organization that represents an elite brand, you tend to have your head up your own ass, which results in you acting like a 'jaguh kampung menang bola'... where you expect everyone else to be sucking up to you.
It's fine, but sometimes, you just gotta be a tad smart and realize that the person you just expect to kiss ur ass is the guy who has plenty of folks kissing up his ass and don't fancy it after sometime and in fact, despises those who use that approach.
Recently, a friend of mine was looking for a partner and naturally I suggested a brand that I am familiar with, having lost touch with some of the folks I knew, I requested a referral to someone who is currently handling it. Was given the clown's fb user name and having realized the magic of social network, I initiated contact and this is how it went:
Nexus Khan: Hi [Insert Dumbass Name], got referred to you by [Friend's Name and Relation] at [Old Company]. Are you with [Elite Brand] and what do you do?
Dumbass: can I help you?
Nexus Khan: Can I have ur contact number? [Another Major Brand with Lotsa Moolah] is looking for a partner...
Dumbass: you can e-mail me at []
Nexus Khan: It's ok. Thx.

So the dumbass lost the opportunity of partnering with a major brand that was willing to partner and even have ads placed, ALL for zero cost, all this due to his stupidity of insisting that I drop him an email amidst my hectic schedule of dealing with major dailies and having to deal with the drama of the editors? And not forgetting clients that have demands of bringing them to the first page of major dailies, on a daily basis?
To all you networkers out there, let this be a lesson to value someone who initiates contact with you cos sometimes it is a dearer price to pay for your actions...
It's fine, but sometimes, you just gotta be a tad smart and realize that the person you just expect to kiss ur ass is the guy who has plenty of folks kissing up his ass and don't fancy it after sometime and in fact, despises those who use that approach.
Recently, a friend of mine was looking for a partner and naturally I suggested a brand that I am familiar with, having lost touch with some of the folks I knew, I requested a referral to someone who is currently handling it. Was given the clown's fb user name and having realized the magic of social network, I initiated contact and this is how it went:
Nexus Khan: Hi [Insert Dumbass Name], got referred to you by [Friend's Name and Relation] at [Old Company]. Are you with [Elite Brand] and what do you do?
Dumbass: can I help you?
Nexus Khan: Can I have ur contact number? [Another Major Brand with Lotsa Moolah] is looking for a partner...
Dumbass: you can e-mail me at []
Nexus Khan: It's ok. Thx.

So the dumbass lost the opportunity of partnering with a major brand that was willing to partner and even have ads placed, ALL for zero cost, all this due to his stupidity of insisting that I drop him an email amidst my hectic schedule of dealing with major dailies and having to deal with the drama of the editors? And not forgetting clients that have demands of bringing them to the first page of major dailies, on a daily basis?
To all you networkers out there, let this be a lesson to value someone who initiates contact with you cos sometimes it is a dearer price to pay for your actions...
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