The Journey of a Two Digit Begins with Three Digits

Since our marriage, my wife has always advised me on maintaining a healthy lifestyle, needless to say, it fell on deaf ears, countless efforts of hers just failed to move the titan towards losing weight. August 2019, I went for my yearly medical check up and for the first time ever, I failed to reach level 3 of my stress test. Which was a stress of its own! (That's Warning #1). In September, I realised that I was having a whistling sound as I climbed stairs and mobility was limited when I tried putting on socks (Warning #2). Before I have to write about Warning #3, in my panic and fear thanks to Web MD where every symptom leads to cancer/stroke/heart failure, I visited my local doctor, who asked me the simplest question, "did you gain significant weight recently?" Well, here it is in the public portal, I was indeed heaviest that I have ever been at 152kg! She gave a simple solution, "lose your weight" and being a close family friend, it followed with a...