Passing of My Father and What It Taught Me

"But dad, why do you need to travel hundreds of miles when the person who passed away has already been buried?", that's how one of my arguments with my dad was when he insisted on visiting a family of an acquaintance that passed away. "When someone leaves the world, he breaks all binds with the world that he has, but before the moment of burial, our presence is the way to show honour and respect to the person who has departed, and if that is not possible, visiting the family is to offer condolences during the difficult time and our mere presence in times of bereavement would mean a world to them", my dad explained while I, as always just scoffed away in disbelieve. Mayor Giulianni during 9/11 Tragedy It was years ago when I read about Rudy Giulianni, the ex-Mayor of New York who was in office during the 9/11 tragedy. Thousands lives, including hundreds of NYPD and FDNY were lost, and Mayor Giulianni ensured that he visited each family of the servicemen t...